Sunday, 7 July 2013

For A Lady

Well, this was written to help a couple friends with their tentative love lives. Yes, I've been courting women.

Here I am, with a heart beating fast,
Staring at these blank pages,
Thinking, wondering, debating just how
To pen what I’ve felt for ages…

A rush of emotions, so far unknown,
And a million thoughts leap to my mind,
But my ink and pen, they quiver so,
As the perfect words they try to find…

My senses wage an internal war,
But I had better initiate a try,
To make a start, a little beginning,
Before my head asks too many ‘Why?'s…

But a little voice utters in a whisper,
How can I possibly describe thee,
And capture that enveloping radiance,
Of the being who is an angel to me…

With that unique delicate beauty,
Your hair is like the twilit sky,
Mysterious, exquisitely compelling,
A potent sight, but always shy…

It shimmers like a curtain of gold,
Its dance is both mesmerizing and bold,
Your smile has the glow of a thousand suns
Your eyes, the life of a thousand more...

Your silent laugh, it delights me so,
Your lovely face half-hidden,
In your tresses flying high and low,
The sight enchants me, unbidden…

Splendid as God has made you outside,
I admire you a whole lot more,
For what you’ve made of your soul,
That deep, selfless, thoughtful core…

Your vividly strong personality,
The dogged persistence of your mind,
The intensely alive curiosity,
That is a jewel, so rare a find…

Your particular way of facing any situation,
With a true, brave sparkle in your eye,
Handling it all with a soothing calm,
And a hidden subsurface fiery fire…

That perpetual, alive, simmering heat,
That intense passion of your will,
Your simple, sweet, charming grace,
A thousand stories beneath a façade still…

Your voice’s brilliant complex melody,
Tells an ancient romantic tale,
The feelings the strains invoke in me,
Are matchless, as are you, my nightingale…

Now I hesitate and pause, yet ache to say,
To be with you, to never be apart,
To feel for you as I do now, forever and always,

Is the dearest darling wish of my heart…

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