Tuesday 12 June 2012

Mind's a Strange Place

How many times have you mentally scoffed at the maddeningly annoying amount of noise your we-take-this-route-together-everyday-whoopee neighbours on the morning bus manage to make, all seemingly fused to form one continuous  crap-spouting, mental-asylum-deserving flexible body, and how many times immediately after that have you suddenly and miraculously recalled similar embarrassing instances involving none other than you and your equally insane friends (though you dare admit that to no one but yourself. Learn to accept the hard truth.)? How many times have you condemned one of your love-struck friends forever to the island of There-Is-Less-Hope-For-Her-Than-For-Manmohan-To-Wear-Yellow, when she quite blindly chooses the wrong guy again, the stupid girl, and two seconds later recalled every one of your own failed and, sadly, stupider choices?
                ‘The point?’ you may well ask (probably damning this same piece as a piece of shit in your admirably well-read minds while secretly agreeing with every word, even recalling similar ‘It’s informal!’ instances of your own ill-received, it-hardly-qualifies-as-sense write-up). My entire point is to put on display (Aah.!) the immovable I-was-born-this-way hypocrisy of the human mind which is nevertheless acknowledged by itself, but never ever accepted. Or perhaps we were simply born senseless to our own senselessness while aware with all our (six?) senses of the same in others. Maybe we are selectively kindly and forgiving creatures, entirely self-centered. Or all born misanthropists.
                Whichever the case, it matters not. The conclusion is always the same. Everyone else is excessively stupid and oneself unimaginably superior in all one does. You RG everyone in the vicinity and the first instance of it you face in a situation unfavourable to you, you damn the person to the hottest confines of hell, the disgustingly selfish, unendingly contemptible weirdo. Tell me I’m not right…
                I certainly don’t pretend to be an expert in any way or sense on the bizarre workings of the human mind. I am merely an observer, who is herself not in any way immune to the very human nature I’ve tried to describe above. I’m probably more prone to that nonsense than anyone you know.
                Besides hypocritical, the mind seems to be a strange convoluted thing in more ways than one. It’s downright perverted. Let me try and explain. Can you deny that at least once in your life, probably too many times to remember, you have wanted something, or alternatively, someone with all you possess and on finally attaining the this-is-the-best-moment-of-my-life object of your desire, you’ve promptly lost all interest in it? As long as it was dangling there, elusive, you wanted it more than air (or so your utterly silly romantic heart whispered), and as soon as you touched it, the be-gone-you-repulsive-error-of-creation mode of your mind kicked in, effectively shattering the illusion.
                Perhaps we love the chase, not the finish. Perhaps we are strangely masochistic, and the pain of denial excites us more than attainment. I’m inclined to chuck the former goody-goody explanation off the nearest rooftop.
                With no effective conclusion in sight, I must abruptly sign off. There really is no end to speculation on the varied stages of degradation every mind is in. One can only hope the hypocrisy and perversion in oneself is muted at the surface. Though we may as well be trying to actually die of boredom. Alternatively, acceptance of oneself is, after all, supposedly the key to a happy life. Do I really believe that? Of course not, it’s a large vat of bullshit.

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